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Aktuelle webinarer

The Macroeconomic Impact of COVID-19:
Uncovering the Outbreak's Influence on the Nordic Economy

This webinar will provide you with a solid understanding of the global macroeconomic landscape after Covid-19 and the impact on macroeconomic forecasts in Europe and the Nordics. You will also learn about the supervisory measures taken by regulators in the Nordics to mitigate the impacts of Covid-19 on the financial sector. Finally, you will get insight into how you can adapt existing baseline and stress scenarios and IFRS 9 models to the changing macroeconomic environment.
Language: English
Speakers: Jakob Færgeman, Global Consultant and Mohammed Chaudhri, Head of Economics

How to Make Your Business Digital and Keep Your Customers Loyal

In this webinar we share our views on why it is now more important than ever for Nordic companies to begin their digital journey. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, some companies are more ready for the digital requirements of modern day consumers and specific industries are reaping the benefits of being in a great position while others struggle. Watch this webinar and learn how to make your business digital and ensure customer loyalty in this time of uncertainty.
Language: English
Speakers: Buse Hanci, Business Consultant and Matthys Roussow, Senior Business Consultant

How Does Your Decision Today Impact The Growth and Strength of Your Future Business?

Understanding the impact of your decisions is even more important in times of change and uncertainty. During economically challenging times a predictive analytical view of the future can ensure that you stay ahead of the situation and can implement an appropriate response to future changes whether small or significant. Watch this webinar to learn how analytics capabilities can improve your business during times of crisis.

Anti Money-Laundering: How well are you protected in the expanding digital world?

In this webinar we dive into the biggest challenges that our clients face related to anti money-laundering regulation in the Nordics. We also show you how to tackle these challenges and how to make your KYC and AML processes faster and smarter with digital tools.

Identity Theft in The Digital World

As a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen that fraudsters are adapting to the new reality. As a lot of their traditional income sources are down, they are trying to find new ways to get assets. We have seen that there has been an increase in data breaches and peoples identities being pressured from the changes in the fraud sphere. The unfamiliar situation we all are in makes us more vulnerable. A lot of Identity fraud starts with identity theft and this is exactly what we dive into in this on-demand webinar.

Covid-19 rapporter

Covid-19 Rapporter: Hvordan ser din bransjes fremtid ut?

Vi står midt i en historisk krise, med store globale endringer og enorm økonomisk usikkerhet. Krisen har rammet mange bransjer hardt. Mens vi alle prøver å forstå, reagere og lære fra en verden i stor endring, blir er viktigere enn noen gang å tilpasse seg markedet og eventuelle forstyrrelser. Digitaliseringen akselererer akkurat nå, og de som omfavner mulighetene og som er forberedt, vil klare seg godt i fremtidens marked. Experian analyserer kontinuerlig bransjer og bedrifter over hele verden. Basert på dette har vi produsert et utvalg rapporter som tar for seg utsiktene til ulike bransjer, som kan hjelpe din bedrift med å tilpasse seg markedet og situasjonen vi nå står ovenfor. Bransjene inkluderer: bank og finans, retail, forsikring, energi og forsyning, og telekommunikasjonsindustrien.

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